Public Outreach and Advocacy
Education for Peace
Environmental Education and Vocational Training Public Outreach and AdvocacyJun 1st, 20040 comments
Screening of school textbooks to identify historical myths that may encourage conflict across the communities in Cyprus while initiating dialogue among educators.
Promoting Organic Agriculture in Cyprus
Applied Environmental Research Environmental Education and Vocational Training Public Outreach and AdvocacyDec 1st, 20030 comments
Providing information to farmers and supporting the efforts for the promotion of organic agriculture in Cyprus
Inventory of Biodegradable Waste
Applied Environmental Research Environmental Education and Vocational Training Public Outreach and AdvocacyDec 1st, 20030 comments
Creating an inventory of the major sources of biodegradable waste in urban and rural areas of Cyprus
Promote Organic Agriculture among Cypriot Farmers
Applied Environmental Research Environmental Education and Vocational Training Public Outreach and AdvocacyOct 1st, 20030 comments
Promoting awareness-raising on organic agriculture among farmers across communities in Cyprus.
Applied Environmental Research Environmental Education and Vocational Training Public Outreach and AdvocacyOct 1st, 20030 comments
Utilizing ENVISwith a wide range of GIS applications allowing the experts and their departments across communities to produce a set of maps for the entire island of Cyprus.
Environmental Education and Vocational Training ICZM Public Outreach and AdvocacyAug 1st, 20030 comments
Creating the website for the most natural coasts in Cyprus
Young Green Consumer
Applied Environmental Research Environmental Education and Vocational Training Public Outreach and AdvocacyJan 1st, 20030 comments
The Young Green- Consumer, the Citizen of Tomorrow
Green Cyclists and Excursionists
Applied Environmental Research Environmental Education and Vocational Training ICZM Public Outreach and AdvocacyApr 1st, 20020 comments
Raising awareness of cyclists and excursionists regarding the conservation and protection of the environment.
Applied Environmental Research Environmental Education and Vocational Training Public Outreach and AdvocacyJan 1st, 20020 comments
Water experts from both sides of the island cooperating through the use of a shared water database system called ENVIS (Environmental Information System).