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Successful completion of the first #SEALIVE knowledge transfer event in Croatia!


Successful completion of the first #SEALIVE knowledge transfer event in Croatia!

The event “Biobased Plastics for Marine and Terrestrial Applications: Exhibition, Knowledge Transfer & Workshop” under the “SEALIVE” project was successfully completed on the 26/09/2023 at Love Bar in Dubrovnik, with the attendance of 62 participants from areas such as local and regional government, fisheries, aquaculture, plastic producers and consultants.

The aim of the event, organised by AKTI Project and Research Centre and Isotech Ltd from Cyprus alongside Maritimo Recycling from Croatia, was to introduce the SEALIVE project and these 8 biobased products to key stakeholders and to facilitate knowledge exchange related to the project and its products. The event also encouraged potential synergistic and collaborative opportunities between the participants as well as with the organisers.

The workshop implemented as part of the event, aimed to disseminate knowledge on plastic pollution, climate change and bioplastic alternatives, engage the participants, learn more about their perceptions and experiences, and document suggested solutions identified from their perspective. The event concluded with an exhibition where participants could observe the SEALIVE products, ask questions, and network with a selection of finger-food and drinks.

The SEALIVE (Strategies of circular economy and advanced biobased solutions to keep our lands and seas alive from plastics contamination) project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement No 862910. This output reflects only the author’s view and the European Union cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

Learn more at

Watch the video of the event here:



SEALIVE: Exhibition, Knowledge Transfer & Workshop, Croatia


SEALIVE: Exhibition, Knowledge Transfer & Workshop, Croatia

AKTI alongside ISOTECH LTD and Maritimo Recycling are organising the first knowledge transfer event for the SEALIVE project in Croatia!

The event is titled: “Biobased Plastics for Marine and Terrestrial Applications: Exhibition, Knowledge Transfer & Workshop” and aims to introduce the 8 biobased products of the SEALIVE project: fishing nets, fishing crates, oyster mesh bags, agricultural mulching film, deep frozen film, flexible food film, and cutlery.

The event will facilitate knowledge exchange related to the project and these products as well as encourage synergistic and collaborative opportunities.

This event in Croatia is the first of 5 countries to host these events with the remaining countries including Greece, Malta, Bulgaria and Georgia.

TIGANOKINISI goes to… Fork Food Market


TIGANOKINISI goes to… Fork Food Market


Fork Food Market is contributing to the Tiganokinisi initiative by collecting their used cooking oil (UCO) in one of our Tiganokinisi barrels that will be available on site, in the upcoming Fork Food Market, on 22nd September, at Nicosia Municipal Gardens. 

You can also support this effort by bringing your own UCO!

‘Tiganokinisi’ is an educational-environmental program that promotes sustainability and environmental responsibility through the collection of harmful used cooking oil (UCO), to over 450 schools around Cyprus. The collected UCO can be transformed into biodiesel, and schools gain resources for environmental education and support of their environmental infrastructure, for the benefit of students all over Cyprus. It is implemented by the non-profit, non-governmental organization AKTI Project and Research Centre in collaboration with the Pedagogic Institute of Cyprus.


Η ΑΚΤΗ μιλάει για την πλαστική ρύπανση στις Ειδήσεις των 20:00, στο ΡΙΚ


Η ΑΚΤΗ μιλάει για την πλαστική ρύπανση στις Ειδήσεις των 20:00, στο ΡΙΚ

Η ομάδα της ΑΚΤΗς φιλοξενήθηκε στο κεντρικό δελτίο ειδήσεων του ΡΙΚ, όπου μιλήσαμε σχετικά με την έρευνα που διεξάγουμε για την καταγραφή της ρύπανσης στις ακτές τις Κύπρου, την πλαστική ρύπανση και τα μικροπλαστικά, και τα αλιευτικά δίκτυα που αναπτύχθηκαν με βάση υλικά βιολογικής προέλευσης, μέσα στα πλαίσια του Ευρωπαικού προγράμματος Ορίζοντας 2020, SEALIVE, τα οποία υποβάλλονται σε δοκιμές στις θάλασσες της Κύπρου από μια ομάδα 10 εθελοντών Κυπρίων ψαράδων.

AdvocaCY’s 3rd Awareness-raising campaign is now live!


AdvocaCY’s 3rd Awareness-raising campaign is now live!

Within the framework of the AdvocaCY project, AKTI implements awareness-raising campaigns about human rights, specifically the right to a healthy and sustainable environment, and about the role of CSOs to advocate for these rights.

The two previous awareness-raising campaigns run throughout the whole month of February and June 2023, focusing on:

  1. civil rights, specifically as they relate to the environment (February 2023)
  2. the role of CSOs in society (June 2023)

Following our two previous campaigns, our third and final campaign, ‘Public consultations and why it’s important to contribute’, is now live! Have a look here. 

New material added every other day, for the entire month of September 2023.


Citizens’ science against littering: the example of #Potavristou


Citizens’ science against littering: the example of #Potavristou

September is the month of #potavristou! Every year since September of 2019, AKTI organises the action #potavristou.

#potavristou is a typical citizens science action, where citizens become part of science by providing valuable field data, following guidelines on how to report them using the familiar tools of social media.

Read the full article by AKTI’s Chair of the Board of Directors, Dr. Xenia I. Loizidou, on Cyprus Mail. 

Tiganokinisi Caravan makeover


Tiganokinisi Caravan makeover

Exciting news! The makeover of Tiganokinisi Caravan is officially in progress.

We would like to thank the talented Interior Designer, Ioanna Papanicolaou, for taking over. We can’t wait to witness the transformation unfold, so stay tuned for updates as the caravan gets a stunning new look.

#Potavristou 2023


#Potavristou 2023



#potavristou τζαι φέτος!


O Σεπτέμβριος είναι ο μήνας του #potavristou! Από τον Σεπτέμβριο του 2019 η ΑΚΤΗ διοργανώνει κάθε Σεπτέμβριο τη δράση  #potavristou  Είναι απλό: ο κάθε πολίτης, η κάθε παρέα μπορεί να ποταβριστεί εκεί που είναι, να μαζέψει τα σκουπίδια που βλέπει γύρω, να τα μερτήσει και να μας στείλει με μήνυμα τα δεδομένα στις σελίδες κοινωνικής δικτύωσης της ΑΚΤΗΣ στο facebook και instagram. Επίσης μπορεί να ανεβάσει φωτογραφίες από τον καθαρισμό στα δικά του κοινωνικά δίκτυα με τα #potavristou, #akti, #SeaTheChange.


Στα  τέσσερα χρόνια που υλοποιείται το #potavristou (πρώτη φορά τον Σεπτέμβριο του 2019) μέχρι και τον Σεπτέμβριο του 2022, συμμετείχαν συνολικά 7772 εθελοντές από 843 τοποθεσίες στην Κύπρο και από 155 τοποθεσίες στο εξωτερικό, οι οποίοι μάζεψαν 47 τόνους σκουπιδιών, που περίμεναν τις πρώτες νεροποντές για να ξεκινήσουν τον καταστροφικό κύκλο τους, να φτάσουν στη θάλασσα και στα ποτάμια μας και να επιστρέψουν στη ζωή μας «εκδικητικά», ως μικροπλαστικά. Το #potavristou από την πρώτη χρονιά κίνησε το διεθνές ενδιαφέρον για την πρωτοτυπία της δράσης και έλαβε πολλά διεθνή βραβεία (πχ το βραβείο του Ocean Conservancy 2020). To 2022 πήραμε το Carob Award για την δεύτερη πιο πετυχημένη εκστρατεία μέσων κοινωνικής δικτύωσης.

Θέλουμε φέτος να σπάσουμε το περσυνό ρεκόρ!


Πώς να συμμετέχεις στο #potavristou σε 4 απλά βήματα:

  1. Όπου κι αν είσαι, σε βουνό, σε παραλία ακόμη και σε ένα πάρκο ή ένα χωράφι, στην πόλης, στο χωριό #potavristou και μάζεψε όσα περισσότερα σκουπίδια μπορείς.
  2. Μέτρησε πόσα σκουπίδια μάζεψες: π.χ. τόσα πλαστικά ποτηράκια, τόσες μπουκάλες, τόσες γόπες τσιγάρων, τόσες σακούλες
  3. Βγάλε τα φωτογραφία.
  4. Ανέβασε τη φωτογραφία στο Facebook /Instagram, με #potavristou, #teamocean και #akti, μαζί με τις πληροφορίες για τα σκουπίδια που μάζεψες, πού βρίσκεσαι (τοποθεσία) και πόσα άτομα είναι η παρέα εκεί. (Σε περίπτωση που ο λογαριασμός σου στο Instagram είναι ιδιωτικός (private), οπότε δεν θα μπορούμε και να εντοπίσουμε τα # hashtag σου, τότε ανέβασέ τα στο facebook, στην προσωπική σου σελίδα με tag ΑΚΤΗ / AKTI Project and Research Centre ή στείλε μας μήνυμα στο Messenger)


Τι θα κάνεις τα σκουπίδια που μάζεψες;

  • Αν είσαι κάπου ερημικά, πάρε τα μαζί σου.
  • Αν είναι δύσκολη η μεταφορά επικοινώνησε με τον πλησιέστερο δήμο για να σε διευκολύνει ή να σου δώσει οδηγίες.
  • Αν βρίσκεσαι σε σκάφος, βγάλε τα στο πλησιέστερο λιμανάκι, στους αντίστοιχους κάδους
  • Αν υπάρχει πρόσβαση, βάλε τα στους κάδους ανακύκλωσης (κάδοι για PMD υπάρχουν αρκετοί).


 Ο φετινός διαγωνισμός-έκπληξη του #potavristou:

Μην χάσεις την ευκαιρία να συμμετέχεις στην εβδομαδιαία κλήρωση του #potavristou. Κάθε Δευτέρα θα γίνεται κλήρωση ανάμεσα σε όλους όσους μας έστειλαν μήνυμα την προηγούμενη βδομάδα. Η/ο τυχερός ή η  τυχερή παρέα, θα κερδίζουν συλλεκτικές μπλούζες του #potavristou. Οι τυχεροί από την κλήρωση της κάθε εβδομάδας θα ανακοινώνονται μέσω των social media της AΚΤΗΣ κάθε Δευτέρα.)


Τωρά που ξέρεις πόσον απλόν ένει μεν βαρκέσαι! Απλά…  #potavristou


Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες:

22458485 (Γιάννης Λοϊζίδης)



September is the month of #potavristou! Every year since September of 2019, AKTI organizes the action #potavristou. It’s simple: every person or friend group can reach out, wherever they are, pick up the rubbish that lies around them, count it and send a message to AKTI’s social media, including the data and pictures. Alternatively, the participants can upload the pictures of the clean up on their own social media accounts and write #potavristou, #akti, #SeaTheChange on the post’s description.


In the past 4 years of #potavristou, 7772 volunteers participated, from 843 locations in Cyprus and 155 locations abroad, collecting 47 tons of garbage and thus preventing this huge amount of trash from starting their catastrophic cycle, reaching the sea and returning “vengefully” back to us in the form of microplastics. From the very first year #potavristou took place, it received lots of international attention for its originality and additionally received many international awards (eg awarded by the Ocean Conservancy in 2020 and received the Carob award of 2022, for the second most successful social media campaign).

This year we want to break last year’s record!


How to participate in #potavristou with 4 simple steps:

  1. Wherever you are: on the mountains, at the beach, in a park or even in a field, in the city or in a village, #potavristou, reach out and pick up as much trash as you can,
  2. Count the trash you have collected: eg number of plastic bottles, number of cups, number of cigarette buds etc,
  3. Take a picture,
  4. Upload the picture on Facebook/Instagram and include #potavristou, #teamocean and #akti, together with the data and results of the clean up, the location and the participants.

(In case your Instagram account is private, make the post on Facebook instead and tag AKTI, or text us on messenger).


What will you do with the collected trash?

  • If you are somewhere with no trashcans, take the trash with you,
  • If the transportation of the trash seems difficult, contact the nearest municipality and they will help you out,
  • If you are on a boat, throw out the trash in the public trashcans which can be found in every port,
  • If possible, try to separate the trash and throw it in recycling bins (many PMD bins can be found).


This years surprise-competition:

 Don’t miss the chance to participate in the weekly competition. Every Monday, in the whole month of September, a draw will take place between every participant who followed the aforementioned steps. The winner(s) will win limited edition #potavristou T- shirts. Every week, the winners will be announced on AKTI’s social media.


Now that you know how simple it is, go ahead, reach out and #potavristou!

For more information:

22458485 (Giannis Loizides)



Eylül ayı #potavristou ayıdır! 2019 yılının Eylül ayından bu yana her yıl AKTI, #potavristou eylemini düzenliyor. Çok basit: Her kişi veya arkadaş grubu,  nerede olurlarsa olsunlar ulaşabilir, etraflarındaki çöpleri toplayabilir, sayabilir ve AKTInin sosyal medyasına verileri ve resimleri içeren bir mesaj gönderebilir. Alternatif olarak, katılımcılar temizliğin resimlerini kendi sosyal medya hesaplarına yükleyebilir ve gönderinin açıklamasına #potavristou, #akti #SeaTheChange yazabilirler.


#potavristou’nın son 4 yılında,  Kıbrıs’taki 843 ve  yurtdışındaki 155 lokasyondan 7772 gönüllü katıldı, 47 ton çöp topladı ve  böylece bu büyük miktarda çöpün felaket döngüsüne başlamasını, denize ulaşmasını ve mikroplastik şeklinde “intikamla” bize geri dönmesini engelledi. Gerçekleştiği ilk yıldan itibaren, orijinalliğinden dolayı #potavristou çok fazla uluslararası ilgi gördü ve ayrıca birçok uluslararası ödül aldı (Örneğin, 2020 yılında Ocean Conservancy tarafından ödüllendirildi ve en başarılı ikinci sosyal medya kampanyası için 2022’nin Carob ödülünü aldı).

Bu yıl geçen yılın rekorunu kırmak istiyoruz!


Basit adımla #potavristou nasıl katılabilirsiniz:

  1. Nerede olursanız olun: dağlarda, plajda, bir parkta, hatta bir tarlada, şehirde veya bir köyde, #potavristou, uzanın ve olabildiğince fazla çöp toplayın,
  2. Topladığınız çöpleri sayın: örneğin plastik şişe sayısı, bardak sayısı, sigara tomurcukları vb.
  3. Fotoğrafını çekin,
  4. Resmi Facebook / Instagram’a yükleyin ve #potavristou, #teamocean ve #akti, tagleriyle temizlemenin verileri ve sonuçları, konum ve katılımcılarla birlikte ekleyin.

(Instagram hesabınızın gizli olması durumunda, bunun yerine Facebook’ta gönderi yapın ve AKTI’yi etiketleyin veya messenger’da bize kısa mesaj gönderin).


Toplanan çöplerle ne yapacaksınız?

  • Çöp tenekelerinin olmadığı bir yerdeyseniz, çöpü yanınıza alın,
  • Çöplerin taşınması zor görünüyorsa, en yakın belediyeye başvurun ve size yardımcı olacaklardır,
  • Bir teknedeyseniz, çöpleri her limanda bulunabilecek halka açık çöp kutularına atın,
  • Mümkünse, çöpü ayırmaya ve geri dönüşüm kutularına atmaya çalışın (birçok PMD kutusu bulunabilir).


Bu yılki sürpriz yarışma:

Haftalık yarışmaya katılma şansını kaçırmayın. Her Pazartesi, Eylül ayı boyunca, yukarıda belirtilen adımları izleyen her katılımcı arasında bir çekiliş yapılacaktır. Kazanan(lar) sınırlı sayıda üretilen #potavristou tişörtler kazanacak. Her hafta kazananlar AKTI’nin sosyal medyasında duyurulacak.


Artık ne kadar basit olduğunu bildiğinize göre, devam edin, uzanın ve #potavristou!

Daha fazla bilgi için:

22458485 (Giannis Loizides)




7th International Conference on Sustainable Tourism Management


7th International Conference on Sustainable Tourism Management


On 26th August one of our team members, Christina Baldwin, presented our Astrotourism project, with the title: “Beyond Stargazing: The Sustainable Astrotourism Framework” at the 7th International Conference on Sustainable Tourism Management in Copenhagen, Denmark. The presentation covered the project itself as well as the sustainability aspects that AKTI developed for the implementation of the Astrotourism activities.

The conference was a great success and Christina won best presentation of her session.

Thank you to the conference organisers for having us!

Η ΑΚΤΗ πάει… ακτή


Η ΑΚΤΗ πάει… ακτή


Between 7th to 20th August our office will be closed for the summer.

Happy Summer Holidays to everyone and a few simple tips for ‘vacationing more responsibly’:

  1. Don’t leave any rubbish behind.
  2. Say no to plastic bags. Carry a reusable shopping bag.
  3. Carry your reusable water bottle.
  4. Eat and drink in the restaurant/café rather than take away.
  5. Shop and eat locally to support small local businesses.
  6. Minimise your food waste. Take leftovers with you.
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