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Zero Waste HoReCa Champions Cyprus 2023
Oct 19 2023

Zero Waste HoReCa Champions Cyprus 2023

Με χαρά σας ανακοινώνουμε τον  Διαγωνισμό  ”Zero Waste HoReCa Champions Cyprus 2023”! Ο διαγωνισμός διοργανώνεται στο πλαίσιο του προγράμματος “Zero Waste HoReCa”, με την υποστήριξη του Ιδρύματος της Coca-Cola (The Coca-Cola Foundation). Είκοσι χρηματοδοτήσεις ύψους 500 Ευρώ η κάθεμια θα διατεθούν στους 20 νικητές των Zero Waste HoReCa Champions Cyprus 2023! Ο διαγωνισμός απευθύνεται σε όλες τις…

Palaichori Art and Street Food Festival: It was a blast!
Oct 18 2023

Palaichori Art and Street Food Festival: It was a blast!

  Tiganokinisi Caravan recently embarked on a journey at Palaichori Art and Street Food Festival, and what an incredible adventure it was! We had marked our calendars for Saturday, October 14th, with great anticipation, as we aimed to bring our sustainable mission to the heart of the picturesque Leivadero Community Park. From the moment we…

Green Enough Participatory Multiplier Event
Oct 18 2023

Green Enough Participatory Multiplier Event

Join us for Green Enough Participatory Multiplier Event, hosted by AKTI Project and Research Centre, at Gardens of the Future on 31st October 2023, 11:00 – 14:00. You have the option to attend in person or online. To secure your spot, please register here by 27th October 2023. The event will be held in English….

AKTI at Youth Innovation Factory 2023
Oct 17 2023

AKTI at Youth Innovation Factory 2023

AKTI was one of the four organizations that attended the first cohort session on Ideation & Design Thinking to share their ideas, insights, and impactful stories during the Civil Society Organization panel. The United Nations Development Programme’s (UNDP) Youth Innovation Factory (YIF) is a multi-month venture builder implemented by SocialTech Lab. YIF aims to accelerate…

Our SEALIVE Knowledge Transfer Events are gaining attention!
Oct 17 2023

Our SEALIVE Knowledge Transfer Events are gaining attention!

AKTI’s and ISOTECH’s LTD SEALIVE project is gaining significant exposure! In Croatia, Greece, and Montenegro, Cypriot researchers from AKTI Project and Research Centre and ISOTECH Ltd successfully conducted knowledge transfer events related to bioplastics as part of the research project “SEALIVE.” Both international and local media, along with reports from foreign channels, are highlighting AKTI’s…

Tiganokinisi at WIP Festival 2023!
Oct 17 2023

Tiganokinisi at WIP Festival 2023!

 Tiganokinisi Caravan Leads the Way in Sustainability at WIP Festival 2023 We are thrilled to announce that Tiganokinisi Caravan is revving up to attend WIP Festival 2023| Modes of Creation, and we’re on a mission to lead the way in sustainability! Mark Your Calendar: We’ll be there from October 21st to November 3rd, 2023, but…

Δελτίο Τύπου: ΑΚΤΗ και Δήμος Γεροσκήπου φύτεψαν 405 δέντρα!
Oct 16 2023

Δελτίο Τύπου: ΑΚΤΗ και Δήμος Γεροσκήπου φύτεψαν 405 δέντρα!

  Tο Κέντρο Μελετών και Έρευνας ΑΚΤΗ και ο Δήμος Γεροσκήπου συνεργάστηκαν για ακόμη μια φορά και φέτος, πραγματοποιώντας δράσεις δενδροφύτευσης σε πάρκα και σχολεία. Το αποτέλεσμα είναι ιδιαίτερα ενθαρρυντικό, καθώς φυτεύτηκαν 405 δέντρα με τη συμβολή δημοτών και εθελοντών. Διαβάστε το Δελτίο Τύπου: ΚΥΠΕ Pafospress Cyprusnews

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