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AdvocaCY’s 3rd Awareness-raising campaign is now live!
Sep 13

AdvocaCY’s 3rd Awareness-raising campaign is now live!

Within the framework of the AdvocaCY project, AKTI implements awareness-raising campaigns about human rights, specifically the right to a healthy and sustainable environment, and about the role of CSOs to advocate for these rights.

The two previous awareness-raising campaigns run throughout the whole month of February and June 2023, focusing on:

  1. civil rights, specifically as they relate to the environment (February 2023)
  2. the role of CSOs in society (June 2023)

Following our two previous campaigns, our third and final campaign, ‘Public consultations and why it’s important to contribute’, is now live! Have a look here. 

New material added every other day, for the entire month of September 2023.


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